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Stave off the Zombie Apocalypse at Work

Feb 01, 2015

The association of an individual with his organisation and his dedication towards his work is termed as employee engagement. It is all about how engaged employees are at their job and their zeal towards achieving their goals laid out for them.

The association of an individual with his organisation and his dedication towards his work is termed as employee engagement. It is all about how engaged employees are at their job and their zeal towards achieving their goals laid out for them.


What do you refer to someone who is not all of the above? Someone who is disengaged at workplace, running through a lot, going through a phase, not achieving expectations, barely passing and mostly failing? A Zombie! In this competitive world, it becomes necessary to stave off a stream of dead-eyed, lackluster employees by utilising critical tactics to focus on what will contribute to the success of the business.

Identification of disruptive employee engagement to yielding the benefits of a business with engaged employees can be achieved with the below mentioned 5 steps.

Step 1: Conduct Confidential Surveys

Evaluating once in a decade isn’t enough, one ought to recurrently examine the forthcomings to stay abreast and plan ahead. Routinely conducted annual employee survey allows buffer time to gather survey results, develop strategies and implement required modifications.

Step 2: Face the Music – Honestly

No company runs without having employee issues. This can be recognised through confidential surveys. Your response as an employer is to face the music…face the honest feedback you receive. And when employees share their concerns, they do so because there is desire for success at the core of their issue. Listen to what your employee has to say with an attitude of understanding and gratitude. Your employees would only quit if there are issues which are unbearable. But if the employees stay and continue to achieve your business goals, implies, they consider the organisation their own and are putting their whole and sole into it.  This helps you improve your business.

Step 3: Just Do It

If there are issues, address them. After the employee engagement survey has been performed, do not let issues aggravate—address them timely. Work at providing real, tangible solutions. Employees who have offered critical feedback will definitely start looking elsewhere for work if nothing is addressed. Whatever the feedback, find out the solutions and act upon them. It will mean you are staving off a zombie apocalypse in your own company, so in essence your action makes you a superhero.

Step 4: Breathe. Pause. Repeat.

Once the appropriate solutions have taken place, it is tempting to quickly survey employees again to ensure that you are implementing the right strategies. But be sure to develop a timeline beforehand that gives you buffer time to implement any necessary transformations. Once a new plan is launched, you have to pause and let it work.

 Step 5: Continue the Conversation

An employee engagement survey will give way to initiate two-way communications at your workplace.  Once that has been achieved in confidentiality, continue the conversation by creating a safe space for employees to open up about issues in their workplace. Avoid initiating gossip sessions; instead encourage employees to bring their problems to the table, leading to earning their praise, gratitude and eventually satisfaction.

Bottom-line is that grateful employees mean higher productivity, more enthusiasm for their positions in your company and better commitment to your business’ ultimate goals. To know more about how to create a work place with happy employees, contact our experts.


BI WORLDWIDE, is a global performance improvement company and has been in operation for over 60 years. Fusing Domain Expertise, Cutting Edge Technology, Rewards Fulfillment, and Campaign Execution Capabilities, BI WORLDWIDE provides end-to-end solutions to implement effective Employee Recognition, Channel Rewards and Customer Loyalty programs.

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