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Service Anniversary Program

Recognise and reward employees for their commitment over the years in the most personalised way ever 

Personalising Service Anniversary Celebrations 

Service anniversary award programs are often conveniently called as long-service anniversary programs. More because who in an organisation has time to celebrate a shorter tenure of an employee? But the fact of the matter is with todays’ workforce a 5 year, 7 year or 20 year tenure period for celebrating service anniversary doesn’t hold any significance.  

The values of your brand are reflected in the way you celebrate the years of service of your employees, being unique and personalised is of the utmost importance. Your engaged and loyal employees are your most valuable resource and they help to keep your organisation running. Research has shown that service anniversary programs have a significant impact on employee engagement, subsequently building employee morale and improving loyalty to your company. A well embraced service anniversary awards program is an important piece of puzzle for any organisation, large or small, that wants to retain its key talent. 

Because there has been tremendous change in the service anniversary industry over the past several years, programs vary greatly from brands to brandsAny company paying attention to employee loyalty is on the right track. But where does your program fall in comparison to others? 

At BI WORLDWIDE, we make sure that your service anniversary rewards truly reinforce company loyalty, providing real value to your most valued employees. As a global provider of service anniversary awards, BI WORLDWIDE focuses on developing service awards programs that positively reflect your organisation's image and motivate your dedicated employees. Creating unique and customised program for your employees featuring the latest platform technology in the industry, best-in-class patented social recognition applications and specially curated award options is what we specialize in. 

Your organisation is built on the hard work of employees who have dedicated years of service to its success. Express appreciation for their efforts with our revolutionising Service Anniversary Awards platform.  

Looking to inspire your employees with the memorable service anniversary celebrations?

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